Stories ]

Kreeh Peeh KreeK 2

[ Kreeh Peeh Kreek 1 ]

Sarcasmus Snape still worked for the Police as a Forensic Scientist, and was beginning to think about retirement. He had moved back to live with his brothers after he lost his beloved Latonia, and when the opportunity came up, all three of them moved to KPK from Whistlestop.

Said opportunity was for Hyprekia, who was offered a few terms teaching at the Academy, while their usual Potions Master spent some time recovering from injuries (caused by some kind of explosive accident, he never really did find out what.)

Jess was already an Alchemist and beekeeper, and wanted a place with a big garden. They moved into 7 Purgatory Lane, alarge, old house, even for their diverse tastes, but pretty run down.

When his contract with the Academy finished, Sarcasmus talked Hyprekia into joining the Forensics Department.

Jess ordered new beehives and started a garden. "Painting is fun, and you both need it for work," he suggested. "Let's take a break and go paint some NATURE!"

So they headed out to the park with portable easels.


After the expedition to the park to paint, they agreed that from now on, Jess would stay home and work on his alchemy, instead of becoming the third Snape to work at the local Police Department. "We just think you're better suited to working at home, Jess. Turning up at the Police Department in your swimming togs might not be acceptable."

They discovered the Science Centre and played with the Science machines for a while, resulting in two clones - Sarcasmus II and Jess II.

A few days later, they had a third clone-baby called Hyprekia II.

Jess was occasionally to be found writing gothic poems about crows. They never seemed to come quite right though.

And in some morose moods, he thought about blowing up the whole world.

Jess was happy gardening, alchemy-ing and playing with the babies and occasionally with his pet cow-plant.

Sarcasmus finally invited his work-partner over. They were getting on pretty well, but Hyprekia warned him "not to get too close."

"Just because your wife was hit by a meteor, doesn't mean mine will..."

But she was.

After that, they packed up and headed for Barnacle Bay.


Kreeh Peeh Kreek was made by Tedhi at The Sims Daily Forum.

The three Snape Sims: Jess was made by Jesslla at MATY and is available from here.

Hyprekia was made by Billabong and is available here.

Sarcasmus was made by APoetsCorner and is available here.

To be continued.