[ Giovanni and Morrigan ]

Benjamino, Morrigan, Don Salvatore

and their babies

The big house was full: two toddlers and a baby, and their accoutrements.

Don Salvatore sat, alone, outside his workplace in the quiet night to think.

"A little while ago I would have said no, never. I would not retire. But now, I have two beautiful granddaughters to love, and I have at last my Family. I will work till I can buy the business for my boys; and I want Giovanni to follow me as the Emperor, but he is not ready yet. When he is ready I will step down."

Benjamino was doing well as a burglar, but working long hours. He did manage to be home for this birthday party. Don Renzella, of course, always the centre of attention even when it was not his birthday.

"How is it going, Morrigan?"

"We are getting there. The girls are so cute, I think I will die if I have to look at another little dolly or sugary toddler book. Papa is about ready to retire, be patient. You will be Emperor soon enough."

And, evil Sim that she is, she spent her free time during maternity leave working on Don Salvatore. 

But it worried him a little. Only a little. "They are not married," he told himself firmly. "I would never come between a man and his wife. But they are not married."

And almost immediately, Morrigan was pregnant again. 

Benjamino still did not know about their affair.

Morrigan called her new son Salvatore, which Benjamino thought was sweet. Don Renzella was delighted, and of course Benjamino missed all the signals, and felt like a proud father of three.

Morrigan, Benjamino et al