
Lot 1 ] Lot 6 ] Lot 7 ] Lot 9 ] Lot 53 ] Lot 55 ] Lot 77 ] Lot 80 ]

There was a fad in 19th century Victorian architecture for octagonal houses, particularly in the United States. Here is one example; not taken from any particular plan but following the trend.

§102,448 furnished.

This is a nice house to play, surprisingly large inside. I built it for Severus Snape and his family.

This house was made with Sims 1 all EPs to Makin Magic. Deluxe may be required. Since it is an Unleashed Lot, Unleashed will clearly be required. Maxis content only. You will need the Banyan tree download, which was originally available from Pepsi, which you can find here.


Sita 07 February 2008