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Working from home

Sims can grow their own food with the Unleashed EP. It's quite hard work. They can also sell the veggies they grow at a Farmer's Market Old Town lot.

With Making Magic, Sims can grow elderberries and grapes, make nectar and wine. These can be sold.

With Making Magic, Sims can raise bees, sell the honey and beeswax.

With Making Magic, Sims can churn and sell butter.

See also the Themes\Farming page for more farming links.

Milk Goat  The goat can be milked and the milk sold. 16 11 06
Grilled Pig  Roasting a pig on a spit over a fire. Doesn't make money but Sims enjoy watching it. 16 11 06
Improved Unleashed Garden Plot Its dark soil holds water better, and the gardener can water and weed it. 16 11 06
Garden Shed (bench) Sims can plant herbs in pots, and then to sell them, while earning Mechanical skills points. 16 11 06
Wabbit Hunter Get a little money back for those annoying rabbits. He pays for all he catches. 16 11 06