Stories ] [ Manu Valley ] [ Spock in Manu Valley ] [ The Big House ] [ The Opera House ]

[ At the Ladeez House ] [ Developments in Manu Valley ] [ Mambo Loa the Ghostbuster ] [ Two Guys ] [ The Birds and the Bees ] [ Macondo ]

See also [ The Ladeez' Party and its Consequences ] [ A Good Night's Shopping ] [ Conjunctions ] [ Mega Garrett ]

More of Em

Em was quite used to other Sims thinking of her as crazy, and didn't find it at all disturbing, though sometimes they did.

For example, the Plenozas were trying hard not to look at Em. "Was that a FROG?"

"Don't stare, dear, it's impolite."

"Nice wheels, though."

Garrett bought the Lamorini Store for a song, because it was discovered to have significant problems with the lighting and to actually be a firetrap, and the estate agent wasn't aware of the millions of Simoleans still there in the form of Ancient Coins and the remaining gems, which Garrett hadn't even bothered to remove from their locked cases.

He gave it to Em as a present. It would keep her busy, and away from him. He really couldn't stand the sight of her now, and she refused to wear a bag over her head...

On a whim, or something, he took a lodger, an Egyptian called Nekhbet Elleveau. She spent most of her off-duty time in the bathroom, or walking her large dog.

Em more or less took to living at the store. There was sleeping accommodation in the basement, and she enjoyed the solitude. She installed beautiful pink marble bathrooms on the top floor, and a Stylist's area. In fact she spent her time upgrading everything, and decorating, and trying not to think about life at home.

But she still dreamed of being a Scientist.

All was not harmony at their home.

Before long Em got a divorce and moved out, taking Minnie the cat with her.

She went to stay with Manu Buluku. Manu was renowned as the local witch, and knew exactly what was required to cure her, setting off straight away to the shop. Manu lived in a lovely house called the Harkness Domain, and on hearing Em's tale of woe, invited her to move in. "I've no money but you are very welcome to stay here!"

"Well. Actually Garrett gave me the deeds to the Lamorini Store, so I'll go pick up the money."

With Em's cats, there are 4 there now, two boys and two girls, Otto Buluku, Billy Ladeez, and Magyar Buluku and Minnie Turkhana.

Em went back to the lab and asked for her old job back, as a Useless Contraption Manipulator. And then was promptly admitted to hospital again.

Army Interviewer: "You thought you were a TOAD? We'll give you another chance, but you need to get help."

Nekhbet Elleveau also moved out of Garrett's place. She went to live in Great Bear.

Continued in Ruffling Water