Carlos Contender

Jessica lived in a trailer park on the edge of town. She had watched his matches for some time, with interest, and had done her research on Carlos. She knew he was single, with only a niece, a semi-retired boxer.

Jessica loved shopping, whenever she could afford it, and often went to town just for fun.


They went for a snack, and she talked and talked... he enjoyed just looking at her, not really taking in much of what she was saying.

More shopping.

And a very contented Carlos.

But she forgot to take her pill... 

They had a massive wedding party. 

He had a moment of cold feet before the ceremony, but when she told him she thought she was pregnant, he walked right into it with a great beaming smile on his face. He was going to be a father!

Lots of his fans came to the wedding. 

Because he was so happy, Carlos never noticed that Isabel was tight-lipped through the whole thing. 


Seeing the reaction  on his niece's face did give Carlos a moment's pause.

And she wouldn't speak to him at all after the ceremony.


"I can't see what she sees in him," he said. "Money." 

This, said loud enough for all to hear by an acquaintance of Isabel's, was something Jessica had expected, though maybe not on her wedding day.

At the party, Jessica and Nina Caliente spent a long time talking. Olive Specter didn't like Jessica at all.

A few short weeks later, they had a garden party. Jessica, already heavily pregnant. decided to DJ.

"Oww I think the dancing has shaken something loose... heeelp!"

"Here you are, Daddy! Meet your new daughter!"

Stella Roth making hearts at Jessica. And Jessica knows full well, but right now is playing the devoted new mother.

The VERY proud father. Carlos had never had a child of his own before, though he was very fond of his niece and her children.