[ Sims 2 Stories ] [ Rohina Butt ]

The Winks Family

Both boys were good at chess. Both parents took the credit.

Rohina completed her monograph just before the extended deadline. It was called Sims in Coats, A Sociological Survey.

Setting out for their next big adventure: University.

Without any scholarships.

But they got by.

Back home after University, and firmly ensconced in the Music career, Widdle was very quickly promoted to Studio Musician. This was great. More music and he was now working on his own compositions as well.

Tiddle adopted a stray dog called Allegra.

Tiddle meanwhile was now a Deep Sea Excavator.

Rohina had a relatively peaceful life as a High School Principal, and Lemmi was still the SWAT Team Leader.

One of the dogs, Princess Meg, ran away from home. Lemmi thought she was unhappy because she had been the queen of the pack when younger. Lately the younger dogs had been standing up to her. Rohina thought it was the skunk.

Left to right - Rohina, Lemmi, Tiddle, Widdle and Fairlight (no, he doesn't live there - a work colleague of Rohina's.)

Lemmi wasn't feeling well, and took a little time off work to nurse his bruises. Tiring SWAT team work was tiring.

However, her carefully thought out answer was lost in the laughter and confusion as three streakers appeared and dashed to the front of the auditorium, where they did a little dance and then ran away. She dismissed the discussion.

On the basis of her handling of this minor crisis, Rohina was promoted to College Senior Professor.

Tiddle was a Deep Sea Excavator by this time. He chatted up a Townie, Callista Fuchs. Great technique there, shame about the suit - but she did give him a TV.

In fact Widdle quietly and privately married Nicole Toyonaga. "I don't want all the fuss that I know Mom would make." Nicole, a girlfriend from Craig Dorm, was more interested in his money. They moved out.

Lemmi thought it was great.

"Son, there is something I never told you about. But it's not too late to start now. You see, when a Sim loves a Sim very much..."

"Dad, what do you think University was for?"

Rohina was not impressed about Bren. "She's as old as me!"

"Mom - just don't, okay?"

To be continued.