Sims 2 Hacks by Carrigon

Recent messages from Carrigon

2018 "I know it looks like I disappeared. I was in the hospital from Dec 20th till the 27th, then in a nursing care facility ever since. The disease I suffer from suddenly progressed. I have lost feeling in half a leg, both feet, half a hand. And what isn't dead cramps up so severely, I can't move when it does. I might be going home soon with some home care. I would hope to code again this year, but really don't know how much time I have left. And if I can, I will try to upload more of the old files, but we'll see. If I don't get to do more, I hope I at least brightened up your game world and the Sims community. I loved making the files. And I was happy to make others happy with them."


2019 "Thanks to those who have been wondering why I haven't been back. I have an adrenal gland tumor, and it steals my energy, among other things. That's what caused me to cramp up last year. It pushes on nerves and it's causing paralysis in certain areas. They can't take it out because I have blood disorders and blood pressure disorders. It makes me too much of a death risk for surgery. And they can't do chemo on me for similar reasons. I'm not sure if I will be back creating things or not. It's really not up to me, it's up to the powers that be. Life is strange, so never say never. There could be a time when I could come back. Till then, take care."

"I'm still getting people wondering if I'll be doing anything for Sims 4. The truth is, I did, but I haven't released anything yet. I updated a handful of abandoned mods. I've never seen a Sims game where so many modders have just abandoned updating anything. But I understand it, no one wants to deal with all these EA updates that break every single mod. So I have a handful of people's abandoned mods I updated, but I've been on the fence as to if I'll release the files because I might not ever update them again, and since I didn't write these codes from scratch like I usually do, I can't guarantee there won't still be a bug or two in there. If I do release them, it will be one archive of them and it will be more of an unofficial release where I'm not going to support them or anything.

What I have heard about Sims 5 may or may not be accurate, but what I was told was Sims 5 may be console only. That's why they didn't do any official announcement yet like they normally would do. I was told just console for 5 and that Sims 6 would be a reboot of the series on PC's and maybe other platforms. That's not all written in stone, it's just what I was told, it could be different, they could still do a PC version of 5. I have no idea if I will mod for any of it. So that's all I know for now."

I haven't been able to trace Carrigon more recently.

Here's a listing of her Sims 2 hacks. As I manage to source them I will add download links. If requested I will remove these links.

Name Description   by Last updated
The Golden Spider

Similar to the Maxis cheat object, Vincent's Sim Modder.

  • Set Age,
  • Motives,
  • Personality,
  • Skills,
  • Career Rewards,
  • Aspiration,
  • Relationships,
  • Influence,
  • Vampires (Make and Cure),
  • and add Inventory for ANY sim on the lot!
  • And more.You can set all this for any sim on your lot. Make anyone a vampire! Cure any vampire! Set your relationships. Set the age of any sim. This little spider does alot.
  • Become a Plantsim,
  • Summon a Penguin,
  • Sunlight Motive and
  • Robot Power Motive options.
  • Adjust body temperature options.
Download Carrigon 15 01 22
Little Vampire Dolly

This little doll will allow your sims to Vampire Drain, Vampire Half Drain, and Vampire Kill another sim. When you click on it, you can choose to drain any sim on the lot and your own stats will go up accordingly. You do not have to stand near the doll. You can place it anywhere you like on the lot and click on it during a makeout or kissing session if you like to get a more true effect. The doll shows up in Decorative/Sculptures and costs 75 simoleans. Base by Petreak, Hacking by Carrigon.

Package goes in downloads.

Download Carrigon 15 01 22
Hacked Wishing Well



    Click on the well for "Toss a Coin" for all these random outcomes:

  • Make me Happy
  • (Max all bars to green)
  • Give me Best Friends
    • (Sim becomes best friends with everyone on the lot)
  • Clean my Lot

    • (Lot is cleaned of all debris)
  • Give me some money
    • (Sim is given $10,000)
  • I hate everyone
    • (Every sim on the lot hates you and you hate them)
  • I wish everyone loved me
    • (Every sim on the lot loves you)
  • I need new skills
    • (Sim's skills are randomized)
  • I want to be different
    • (Sim's personality is altered randomly)
  • I want to have children
    • (Sim is now pregnant with alien twins)
    • You will hear a sound effect and probably won't get this popup
  • Give me something to eat
    • (Food appears)
  • Lift my depression
    • (Sim goes platinum)
  • Give me something fun to do
    • (Fun objects appear)
  • Give me toys
    • (Toys appear)
Download Carrigon 30 10 15
Amazing Weather Chicken Hat
Wearing Weather Chicken will bring much rain and storms to your lot. The longer you wear Weather Chicken, the greater your chances for a storm and power outage. When Weather Chicken is not being worn, a continuous stream of water will flow down on your lot. Walking around with Weather Chicken on, your sim will bring the water flow with them. There are no puddles, there is nothing for you to clean up, it's just an effect.

Chances for a storm are based on mood (aspiration) and length of time Weather Chicken is worn. Wear Weather Chicken for many hours and experiment with different moods while wearing.

I have left in the manual options for you to switch the storms and Power Outage on. You do not need to do this while wearing Weather Chicken. Just wear Weather Chicken a long time and if the mood is right, you will get a storm.

  Carrigon 30 10 15
Hacked Werewolf Head (PETS) This hacked werewolf head will allow sims to Become Werewolves anytime of day or night. And you can change back to a human as well

The Become option will give your sim memories and they will fully be a werewolf. Transform is pretty much the same. And the transform to a sim will fully change your sim back to human.

  Carrigon 30 10 15

Kickboxing Ninja NEW NPC

Curse of the Ninja. Your sim finds a mysterious tablet and examines it. The spirit of the Ninja appears. He will immediately look to fight the sim who summoned him. If he can't, he will usually just disappear. Sometimes he will stay depending on if you have things on the lot he can interact with. He likes the Shrine of Odd Blessing, the Zen Garden, and the Bonsai Tree. He seems to act a bit differently depending on the lot he's on.

The curse of the Ninja is that he will only look to target the very first sim on the lot who summoned him, no matter who else tries to summon him thereafter. So if you want to stage a fight, have the sim you want to fight him summon him first. Don't let another sim try it.

  Carrigon 30 10 15
Suitcase of Woe This only works thanks to Inge because she found my missing flag. For this hack, I've cannibalized a few files. The suitcase base I think was originally Petreak's, but it has parts of the phonebook and flamingo in there. And some of the death code came off Winter's death hack. What the suitcase does is it has a Think of Lost Loves option that will put fun completely red. Then there's a Electrocute option, where the sim will attempt suicide by electrocution. But the sim may or may not die that way depending on how fit and how in the green your sim is. Then there's the Commit Suicide option that seems to kill your sim immediately.   Carrigon 30 10 15


Spiderman Flight Simulator

This is a small hacked object that looks like a flat floor light. It does a high diving animation. So if you put it at the edge of a roof, you can make your sim look like they are flying away.

  Carrigon 30 10 15

Haunted Ixupi Ash Pot

For those who remember the old Sierra Shivers game. This is a special authentic Ixupi Ash Pot, said to be haunted by an evil spirit.The pot is coded the same as my other haunted objects and will float and scare sims who examine it. They can also tell another sim about the pot and steal it. Child sims can use it. Basegame flagged, but but later EP's may be required due to changes in the codes. These were made off of all EP's up to AL installed, plus all Packs. Placeable on mantels and most surfaces.If you've never played the original Shivers game, it has a wonderful backstory. The pots contain a kind of Aztec like elemental spirit/ghost. Each one is tied to an element like fire or ash. If you accidentally break a pot, the spirit is released and acts like a kind of soul vampire. It will steal your life essence until you become like the Ixupi, forever doomed to steal the life essences of others. To trap an Ixupi, you must have the pot with the Ixupi's elemental marking on it. This one here is for ash, like ashes from a funeral or fireplace.   Carrigon 30 10 15

Kickboxing Zombie Mummy NPC (BV, FT Req'd)

Curse of the Zombified Mummy! Your sim finds a Cursed Egyptian Vase and examines it. A Zombified Mummy appears. He really is a zombie. He will immediately look to fight the sim who summoned him. If he can't, he will usually just disappear. Sometimes he will stay depending on if you have things on the lot he can interact with. He likes the Shrine of Odd Blessing, the Zen Garden, and the Bonsai Tree. He seems to act a bit differently depending on the lot he's on.

The curse of the Zombified Mummy is that he will only look to target the very first sim on the lot who summoned him, no matter who else tries to summon him thereafter. So if you want to stage a fight, have the sim you want to fight him summon him first. Don't let another sim try it. If the first sim who fought him left the lot, then he will look to target another.

If he does happen to stay on the lot, you can try having a sim without teleport skill ask him to teach it. He is able to do that. He also does have a fight option. He will look to Tai Chi next to a Bonsai tree. If he is doing that, then you can click on him to fight him or learn to teleport.

  Carrigon 30 10 15
Little Dolly of Death

What this does: The little dolly will show up in sculptures.

She has a Touch the Dolly option. The disease she gives your sim will not kill your sim as far as I can tell, but it could use further testing. I think it's a mild disease that the sim seems to throw off pretty quickly without a cure. I think you'll like what I've done with it. I'm not gonna spoil it here, touch the dolly and see. After the effects, it doesn't seem to take too long before you'll get a message that the sim is healthy again. So, it's really not a death doll, just a disease doll. I think you'll have fun with this one.

  Carrigon 30 10 15

PumpkinHead NPC

For this to work you have to have the Haunted JackO object

Buy the Dangerous Haunted JackO object.

It's in hobbies/all for $150. It has a new GUID, so if you have any others of mine, it won't conflict. Have a sim Examine it. After they get scared, PumpkinHead will appear. There is a random chance he will drop Halloween Candy and there is a random chance he will decide to stab the sim to death instead. This is dangerous. The sim may or may not die. This, too, seems to be a bit random. There is a chance the sim will live.Candy appears on the ground when he leaves it and is edible. And the blood is just a special rug you can delete in buy mode.

After PumpkinHead stabs the sim, he will look to hang around your lot and act like a visitor. You can get him to play games like mahjong or cards if your sim is playing a game, click on PumpkinHead and ask him to join in.

There is an option on PumpkinHead's menu to fight him. You can fight him once.

To make PumpkinHead leave the lot, click on him and choose leave.

The Dangerous Haunted JackO actually floats and scares the sim.

Child sims can use this, however, PumpkinHead will not look to stab a child. Kids can eat the candy he brings.

  Carrigon 30 10 15
Edible Hand for Zombies or Cannibals This is a Hand that all sims can eat. I made it off the pizza slice. File should work for all EP's. You do not need Uni for this. Download Carrigon 15 01 22
edible brain All Sims can eat it
as above. cloned from the pizza slice
  Carrigon 18 04 14
Glowy JackOLantern Hacked (OFB) Glowy JackOLantern Decoration that really glows and shimmers. Hacked with random candy treats sims can eat! You can place it on tables and mantles.   Carrigon 18 04 14
Raise the Dead Krystal (Sort of.....) It's the kewl Dead base from Oberkorn, different GUID, so it won't conflict.This Krystal has a very unusual property. click it to "Raise the Dead". An Urn will appear,'s actually a pizza slice that looks like an Urn and your sim can eat from it. click on the Urn, your sim will appear to be eating from the Urn. If you just want edible Urns on your lot, you can move them about using the moveObjects on cheat, ctrl, shift, c. They can also be deleted that way, but when your sim eats from one it's self deleting. Just a fun unusual object.   Carrigon 18 04 14
ForeverBurn Fireplaces (PETS Only)

Carrigon has a forever burn/safe fireplace hack but it's only updated to OFB. However I use this in my game and so far I haven't had it break anything.
The link is here in any case.

This is the Pets version of my foreverburn fireplaces hack. Buy a fireplace, have a sim light it, and it will burn forever and you will never have a house fire from it. Sims can Poke the fire, warm themselves, and view the fire. Just watch that view. Since the fire never goes out, sims will watch the fire for a very long time, possibly even if their needs are critical.

To put the fire out, go into buy mode, load up the cheat window, ctrl shift c. Type in moveObjects on. Just move the fireplace alittle bit. The fire will go out.

This is a global hack, it will affect all fireplaces in the game.

NOTE: Please remove the old hack zforeverburnsafefire from your game BEFORE installing this one. The two conflict and you can only have one in your game. If you had the old hack but just upgraded to this one and you go into a lot and the fire is out, but you seem to have fire interactions for the fireplace, just use the moveobjects on cheat in buy mode to move the fireplace a little bit. This will reset it. Then have a sim light it.

NOTE: About PETS Compatibility and Custom Meshed Fireplaces: If you use a custom meshed fireplace that was made prior to Pets, there is a good chance you will not have pet interactions with it. That goes for most custom meshes made prior to Pets. Simply buy a Maxis mesh and you will get the Pets interactions.

Installation: Place package in downloads.

Download Carrigon 15 01 22

Hula in a Case

PETS and SEASONS Required




This is an updated version of my Hula dancers. I've added alittle more animation dances and this version spawns my Hula radio. The version of the radio has normal effects and its own separate GUID.

Dancers can be moved around by using the moveobjects on cheat, just press shift, ctrl, c to open the cheat box and type in moveobjects on, press enter. Then you can position the dancers. You get four dancers. To remove the dancers, just have a sim click on them and choose the action. Dancers will be removed. These dancers have their own GUID and the game will treat them like any other object. You cannot interact with the dancers other than to remove them.

Installation: Place packages in downloads. Find the suitcase in appliances/all. Buy the case, have a sim click on it to summon the dancers and the radio. Both PETS and SEASONS are required for the animations.

Download Carrigon 15 01 22

Tiki Hula Radio

SEASONS Required

This is a Tiki Hula Radio that plays Hula Music and has special effects. I actually took effects off the new Seasons pinball machine. There are little colored lights and floating flames. Radio is placeable on the floor, end tables, counters. It makes a nice decoration, too.

Installation: Seasons is Required for the effects. Place package into downloads. You can find it in several places in the catalog. Try electronics/all.

Download Carrigon 15 01 22

Tiki Hula Radio Hawaiian Music Version

SEASONS Required

This is a Tiki Hula Radio that plays Hawaiian Music and has special effects. I actually took effects and music off the new Seasons pinball machine. There are little colored lights and floating flames. Radio is placeable on the floor, end tables, counters. It makes a nice decoration, too.

Installation: Seasons is Required for the effects. Place package into downloads. You can find it in several places in the catalog. Try electronics/all.

This radio has its own GUID, you can have BOTH this radio and the Hula Music version in your game.

Download Carrigon 15 01 22

No Enthusiasm Decay Hack

FREE TIME Required

This will stop the Enthusiasm points from going down and you won't get warned about it.

Installation: Place package in downloads. This is a global hack.

Download Carrigon 15 01 22

No Enthusiasm Decay Hack


This will stop the Enthusiasm points from going down and you won't get warned about it.

Installation: Place package in downloads. This is a global hack.

Download Carrigon 15 01 22

No Cough Flaming Cigarettes Pack


*UPDATED* 4/18


This version of my cigarette pack doesn't have the coughing. I got tired of it real fast. I made some improvements to this object. I changed the clean up code to a self delete, so the sims no longer look to clean it up. They will automatically throw a cigarette away most of the time when they are done. Sometimes they just put it down. Click on Toss Butt and it will delete the cig if a sim leaves it lying around.

I changed some of the mesh positions. Also, I gave it a smaller, better looking cigarette. However, the drawback is that the positioning in the hand looks a bit worse. I cannot fix the positioning. It has to do with the animation. Any changes and I end up making it look even worse than that. I can't change the flame rotation either. It just won't go.

  • This version has the right amount of addictiveness. They will want to smoke alot. Smoking is very bad for fitness and they will get fat from it.
  • There are eight cigs in a pack. You probably won't be able to delete the pack until it's empty.
  • Child sims cannot smoke, but teens can.
  • Pack is not placeable on an endtable, but you can put it on a coffeetable, floor, or counter.
  • All new GUIDS, you can use this with my other pack with the coughing.
  • Installation: Uni is required because the flame effect is off the ressurection machine. Place all packages in downloads. Find it in appliances/all.
  • UPDATED 4/18: Now sellable in shops! You can place them on a sales cabinet and set them for sale.


Older version

Carrigon 15 01 22



The Mask

The Cookie Jar does not work; Clean Up works
The Cheese Board does not work; Clean Up works

The Mask works - flagged as Noodlesoother
Cigarettes have a rather garish "flame" effect.

Cigarettes and mask.

Yellow Bunny (courtesy of the Wand, on the counter) and Mask.



Hacked Windchimes
Carrigon, using my own original codes
Mesh Base by LordGaret2000

These hacked Windchimes will play a sound when your sim touches them. Just click "touch chimes" and your sim will walk over and touch the chimes and a sound will play.

Not for child sims.

Sita 15-Jan-2022